About Me:
"It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Living 'in the world' is something I've struggled with for most of my life. It seems to me that, while the world rewards conformity, solitude on the other hand rewards authenticity.
I have spent most of my adult life in a certain sense of solitude.
I don't necessarily mean this socially, as I've yet to become a hermit, but rather intellectually and spiritually. I've kept to myself.
In light of this, I've developed a certain resolve within me that firmly refuses to restrain the inner authenticity born of this solitude.
The struggle of being alive is real, and my unique instance of this arises when, often by necessity, I immerse myself in the world. As I pursue education, career, family or estate, there's always been something that just hasn't quite resonated with me. Is this all there is? Is all this really what it seems?
For most of my adult life, I've rarely been able to put a finger on why any notion of sound purpose has so easily eluded me. For some reason, every attempt at hanging on to some sliver of meaning or motivation simply slips through my fingers. I've often wondered why what seems so easy for other people has always been so distant and out of reach for me.
My spirit cries for authenticity; and that to myself more than anyone. As Emerson put it, finding a way to do that "in the midst of the crowd" is a great feat. Oftentimes, it seems all but impossible.
This site is very simply an attempt to find a way to manifest authenticity in the world... incarnation if you will. Here you'll find some expressions, some attempts to convey images of the worlds I perceive. And this, in hope that they will more, or less, reflect some measure of light to those who want to see it.
"One eye in light, one eye in darkness. But the eye in darkness... looks to the light.."